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This is a short collection of 3 downloads that will provide a useful tool towards developing practice and technique, all done in Terry's usual unique style. The total time is approximately 45 minutes. We always recommend leaving 5 minutes at the end for final relaxation. 

When you purchase please download onto a device.  


1. Energising Practice  - 17:56 minutes 

This is a short enough chunk that can be slotted into your day for example before breakfast, before your lunch break, after a training sessions, before bed etc…


2. Pranayama Technique  - 9:48 minutes

This is a short film about techniques when practicing pranayama.


3. Pranayama Practice - 13:08 minutes

This is a short enough chunk that can be slotted into your day for example before breakfast, before your lunch break, after a training sessions, before bed etc…

Pranayama Breathing Practice with Terry

  • The video links will be sent on receipt of payment.

    Please download these short films and save onto your device in its own unique folder.

    Enjoy your practice.



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